The Cornerstone Connoisseurs (Buddy Leezle & Grand Scheme) just dropped their new project titled, “No Stunt Doubles”. Just like a Philly Bodega, Buddy and Grand Scheme deliver the goods! Listen. Share. Support.

This jawn was 5-6 years in the making, so we hope that you really enjoy it. Most of my Hip-Hop output in the past decade has been on the more laidback side of things, but this is a return to that intelligent “ANIMAL RAP” that I was known for 15-20 years ago. With guests like #dabuzebruvaz, Lex Starwind, & Jon Murdock, you ALREADY know what it’s hittin’ for. Beats by Stretch the Mad Scientist, DS, Black-Tokyo, & more, so YEAH, it’s an adventure…