What up blog fam! So since I have been MIA for a minute I only thought it made sense that my first post back should represent another triumphant comeback. Although both members Hawaiian emcee La Dog and Kansas emcee Anonamix have been steady putting out music on their own, there has not been a Society of Shadows project since 2012 when they dropped Decapination, which if you haven’t heard it or even if you have, is another dope album worth revisiting.

Another big change is the absence of third memeber Pikk who has been off the grid both in music and real life. So Pikk if you’re reading this… hip-hop, your friends and your fam miss you! Reach out!

I gave the new project a few spins and I have to say I was impressed. The EP was produced entirely by Klive Kraven, who is a regular here at 7th Boro. It’s a good example of his skills when he just takes on the role of producer.

So blog fam join me as I break down the new EP The Paki Tape . Stream follows. Check it out!

Track 1: G.C. Intro

Normally you know how I feel about an intro…it’s an intro! But this is a really good one. Society of Shadows and La Dog and Anon in their individual projects tend to lean on the political which I love so if this is your introduction to their music this intro sets the tone nicely.

Track 2: The Return

Aptly titled. Welcome back guys This is chill driving and vibing music.

Track 3: The Ballad of A Bully

With the current climate the way it is this is the perfect way to sum that shit up. Now normally I’m like an order of hip-hop hold the side of singing hook…BUT this fits really well. Damn it Klive Kraven you have me questioning myself. *In rotation

Track 4: Dough Won’t Help

Okay when you listen to this song on it’s own it dope but by track 4 I’m expecting to have an energy level change and that doesn’t happen here. And to follow a singing hook with another singing hook fucks with my vibe. I really wished the placement was better but I get with an EP it’s really hard to figure out where it should go.

Track 5: A Tale of Two
Okay see? Now this goes. The energy shift and content I wanted and needed. I fuck with this *in rotation

Track 6: Medicine Rap

This was unexpected but a strong way to end the project. This had me goving the other drivers the mean mug. I dig it. *In rotation

Overall: B+

Okay now here me out. I really wanted to give this an A- and I went back and forth on this for a minute. Is it an A- EP? Sure but there was some things I had to take some points off for.

One…placement. If track 4 and 5 had been flipped I think I would not have scored as low on my placement parameters.

Two…come on guys! Yeah you’ve been gifting us would the good solo shit like La Dog’s American Kennelz which dropped earlier this year or projects with his brother Matt Maddox when they team up as Sharkface Laserhawk or Anon’s Skitoma but really guys you couldn’t hit us with like 3 more tracks?? As soon as I started getting super hyped… it was over.

So for those reasons…and my complicated review parameters…I had to go with a B+

Either way this is worth a listen and the cop. Let’s hope they don’t take too long with the next one! Scy approved!