[audio:https://7thboro.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Nucci-Reyo-Stop-Shooting-1.mp3|titles=Nucci Reyo – Stop Shooting]
Nucci Reyo – Stop Shooting

A few months back Nucci Reyo performed this at Lincoln Park in Newark. I felt it was fitting to repost it after reading a post over at Undeniable TV. The post read as follows:

As you guys know in the last 2 weeks the city of Newark has had 16 murders, 6 in the past week (Christmas week), 25 car jackings, and most recent NJ Transit Bus robbery. We here at Undeniable TV came across unreleased footage shot in the Summer of 2010 in which 2 of the children murdered were interviewed talking about the problems in Newark. We spoken to the parents of the slain teenagers, and we are all coming together as one unreleased footage about “Stopping The Violence” in Newark,NJ. We are asking all major webisites,blogs,news outlets, and the media as a whole to help us bring this footage to life to not only stop the violence in Newark, but in urban cities all across the United States. We as a people need to come together to fight the senseless killings of our children, because as we all know the children are our future. Once again all websites,blogs, and media in general help us bring this story out, and let the world know whats happening in our inner cities.

Greatly Appreciated,

UNDeNIaBLe Tv Family 

Download Nucci Reyo’s – Stop Shootin’!