Common Sense – The Bitch In Yoo! (Pete Rock Remix)

I’ve been listening to the Common album all day today and it reminded me of this classic Ice Cube diss! As you’ve all heard (unless you live under a boulder) “The bushy eyebrowed fellow from Degrassi” and Common seem to have a little tension between them. In Common’s track “Sweet”, he makes several comments questioning the manhood of “The bushy eyebrowed fellow from Degrassi”. Hopefully “The bushy eyebrowed fellow from Degrassi” realizes that this is Hip Hop and you have to defend yourself at all times (lyrically that is). He doesn’t have to get all butt hurt like the video below but should attempt to make a diss track. A little advice though…….Common has been doing this a long time. Jay-Z wants to rhyme like Common. Be careful, you may catch a lyrical smack down. One more thing…..don’t bring your Blackberry to the battle!

Not Hip Hop!